"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."


Don Wenzel

Commander - Army - Post 3168

Les Hell

Sr. Vice Commander - Army - Post 3168

Mike Meyer

Jr. Vice Commander - Army - Post 3168

Mark Shea

Quartermaster - Army - Post 3168

James Coy

Chaplain - Army - Post 3168

Art Krupa

Adjutant - Army - Post 3168

Art Krupa

Surgeon - Army - Post 3168

Michael Meyer

Judge Advocate - Army - Post 3168

John Concepcion

Trustee 3yr - Army - Post 3168

Michael Meyer

Trustee 2yr - Army - Post 3168

John Davis

Trustee 1yr - Army - Post 3168


Mike Wenzel

President - Army - Post 3168

Janet Barlar

Sr. Vice President - Post 3168

Terri Pint

Jr. Vice President - Post 3168

Robin Carpenter

Chaplain - Post 3168

Michelle Sargent

Guard - Post 3168

Barbie Wenzel

Conductress - Post 3168

Velda Johnson

Treasurer - Post 3168

Velda Johnson

Secretary - Post 3168

Lucy Davis

Membership - Post 3168

Shelly Sargent

Veteran and Family Support - Post 3168

Robin Carpenter

Community Outreach - Post 3168

Lucy Davis

National Home - Post 3168

Velda Johnson

Mentoring for Leaders - Post 3168

Tommy Davis

Hospital - Post 3168

Shelly Sargent

Scholarship - Post 3168

Ingrid Ozee

Trustee 3yr - Post 3168

Chasity Davis

Trustee 2yr - Post 3168

Terri Pint

Trustee 1yr - Post 3168